Wednesday 1 May 2013

PROJECT 2- Task 1- Second Models.


After the first two models were made, it became obvious that the form and structure of the existing interaction node was not suited to the task. The original node was not a complete and cohesive structure and this made representing it and the building form in various materials difficult and limited the effectiveness of this. 

As a result, a new built form was developed and two new models were constructed. The new structure follows a similar form as the original, however, it is one complete structure and there are no adjoining components. This makes it easier to assess the effects that various materials may have on the node and the spatial characteristics that may be developed from these materials.

As with the previous task, one model was constructed out of timber, and the other out of a wire frame. Images of the two new models are shown below. 

The timber model represents a humble and warm space. The slits in the roof create an interesting lighting effect within the space and demonstrate the potential that timber has to be transparent and permeable. 

The second model was constructed using a wire frame, corrugated cardboard and a translucent roofing material. 

The metal model was intended to provide a level of transparency through the structure and it does this effectively. The corrugated cardboard was inspired by materials found on the site and provides an interesting texture and from to the model. 

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