Thursday 9 May 2013

PROJECT 2- Task 4- Part 2- DETAILED Site Anlaysis.


The second part of the site analysis was done with an emphasis on existing materials on the site and their architectural qualities. 

Elements such as the existing buildings and the river board walk were investigated and the findings are shown below. 

Image of the Underside of the Rover Boardwalk. 
Timber was one of the more common materials found on the site. The image shows the space under the boardwalk. Timber is an interesting material choice for this space, given how prone it is to flooding. 

Inside of the Wharve Buildings
Timber was also a key structural component of the existing buildings. The image shows an interesting portion of the roof structure. The slats of timber create an interesting form and express the transparency and permeability that can be created by timber structures. 

Roof structure of the existing buildings
The contrast between the timber structure and the silver insulation material was a notable element of the existing buildings. The repetition of elements such as trusses and the regularity of the structure added to its effectiveness. 
Existing wharve building wall-or lack of it
An interesting aspect of the existing buildings is that one side had no wall structure. A fence was used to create a physical boundary, however, this still allowed light and ventilation into the space. The large overhang effectively protects the building from the elements. 

Interesting flashing detail
The existing buildings were clad in corrugated iron, which indicates their heritage and age. Junctions between openings and the building skin were particularly interesting and details such as this bit of flashing are particularly delightful and represent the quality of the materials. 
Imperfections in the building skin
The age and weather-beaten nature of the material could be seen in numerous imperfections around the building. some of these imperfections altered the plane and angle of the building skin and created interesting and almost sculptural forms around the building. 

Paved Surface and the Cliff face
A major physical element on the site is the large cliff face. This creates a physical boundary and edge within the site and also potentially affects elements such as sunlight and wind. The cliff and the paved surface shown above also display a very different materiality to the existing buildings and the boardwalk. The rock and concrete shown in this picture provide a heavier and more robust material quality. 

Underside of the Story Bridge
Another differences materiality is expressed in the steel structure that makes up the underside of the Story Bridge. The heavy and complex structure glides effortlessly over the site and the repetition and pattern of the steel work create an aesthetically pleasing structure. 

Relationship with the river
A final aspect of the site to consider is the string relationship that it has with the river. The boardwalk somewhat blurs the boundary between the two elements and helps to connect people with the river. Carrying this relationship onto the building for project 3 will be key to its success and connecting it to the site and the immediate context. 

The detailed site analysis highlighted various important elements of the site and aspects that can be investigated and explored further in project 3.

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