Sunday 12 May 2013

Iglu Student Accomodation


Designed by Bates Smart Architects, this multi residential building employs a strategically designed facade to create a beautiful aesthetic. 

The building skin is made up of metal panels, which have been allowed rust, and change their colour, to a rich auburn. At first i thought that the building was clad in timber, however, upon closer inspection, the tru materiality came to light. 

This experimentation and innovation in terms of the building skin is interesting and something that can be explored further in project 3. 

Images of the building are shown below. 

A close up of the building skin demonstrates the materiality and the unique nature of the cladding system. 


The building is a bold and unique structure and the cladding system is innovative and ultimately successful in achieving the desired aesthetic. 

All images were sourced from: 

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