Thursday 2 May 2013

Market Hall in Ghent


Designed by Marie-José Van Hee and Robbrecht & Daem, the market hall is an astonishingly beautiful timber structure. 

The structure makes use of the humble and warm characteristics of timber as well as Gothic inspired forms to create a unique space. The angled windows throughout the structure scatter light into the interior and create a beautiful effect within the structure. 

"As an urban interior, the inside embraces the passer-by with a dual modulated wooden ceiling, whose small windows scatter light inwards. The exterior, the entire building in fact, seems to assume a respectful role relative to the nobler historic stone buildings, by using a wooden, almost humble, finish. A glass envelope protects the wood and provides a soft shine, with the sky reflected, integrated. Large buffer basins to absorb rainwater, principles of low energy consumption for the bras- serie, use of truly natural materials, the contribution of public transport and a clear vision about giving new value to the historic centre with its old spatial structures, are just parts that broadly flesh out ‘sustainability’ for the future. The centre of Ghent will again become a social spot for people."
- Archdaily. 

Images of the buildings are shown below. 

All images were sourced from: 

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