Thursday 9 May 2013

PROJECT 2- Reflection


As a whole i found project 2 to be very useful in developing my awareness of material qualities. The tasks were all relevant to the theme and each one helped me to further my interest and knowledge of materials and how they can affect architectural spaces. 

The model making tasks were particularly enjoyable, as model making is something that i greatly enjoy. The physical models provided an interesting iteration of the node design and helped me to experiment and investigate contrasting spatial qualities and materials. 

The drawings tasks helped me to think about the spatial qualities of each space and how the different materials may affect this. The tasks allowed me to experiment with different drawing media, such as watercolors  in an attempt to replicate the qualities of each material. The wire frame model was challenging to draw, however, i think the final drawings effectively represent the transparency and the simplicity of the structure. Experimenting with infill solutions and exploring how people may occupy the space was also an aspect of the drawing activities that i found useful. This allowed me to re imagine my node design and i think the solutions that resulted provided interesting spaces. 

The site analysis provided vital information about the site. The investigation into materials highlighted numerous elements that can be translated into project 3. The initial investigation into the project 3 brief helped me to gain an understanding of what the building will be and the sort of spaces that are required. It highlighted key relationships and spatial requirements and provided an opportunity to start to experiment with various layouts and placing the building on the site. 

Overall the project was a success and provided a great base from which project 3 can be developed off. 

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