Monday 22 April 2013

PROJECT 2- HSW Site Visit.


On the 20th of April, Brisbane City Council hosted an open day at the Howard Smith Wharves as part of the Ideas Fiesta event. This provided an opportunity to enter the site and explore the existing buildings, their materials and the manner in which they are constructed. 

A series of images depicting interesting aspects of the site are shown below. Comments and observations are included with relevant photos. 

The entry to the site is shown int he photo above. This illustrates the the relationship between the Story bridge and the Howard Smith Wharves. 

This is photo of the underside of the boardwalk. The use of timber structural elements is interesting, considering the adjacency to the river and how prone the space may be to flooding. 

The internal structure of the existing wharve buildings is pictured above. The structure was predominantly timber with corrugated iron cladding and roofing. 

The boardwalk space is still in a relatively good condition and provides an interesting space.

The underside of the Story Bridge and the steel structure that it is made up of was in my opinion aesthetically pleasing. The repetition throughout the structure and the manner in which it sits above the site create an interesting effect and spatial experience. 

The timber slats within the wharve buildings create an interesting space within the structure. The contrast this creates with the metal roofing material provides an interesting relationship. 

The corrugated iron cladding that makes up the skin of the building was an interesting material within the site. The bends and imperfections of the material create an aesthetically pleasing and almost sculptural effect. 

The space between the existing buildings is a possible location for the interaction centre. This space has a relationship with existing structures and a connection to the river. It would also provide views back towards the city. 

The above image pictures the interior roof structure of the exiting buildings. The contrast between the timber structure and the silver insulation materials is interesting and provides a stark contrast in materially. 

All in all, the site visit was very useful and provided some interesting points of inspiration. 

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