Thursday 9 May 2013

PROJECT 2- Task 4- Part 1- Site Analysis


The site analysis was completed in two parts. The first part investigated general and basic physical and meteorological aspects of the site, such as sun path diagrams, prevailing winds and access. 

This analysis provided a good base from which to develop aspects of the building and various elements of project 3. The diagrams produced are shown and explained below. 

The sun path diagram is a basic exploration, however it provides critical information in regards to effectively orienting the building. The cliff may also alter the nature of sunlight and the manner in which it falls on the site, especially in winter months when the sun is at a lower angle. At this time, the cliff may cast a large shadow over the site and portions may not receive any direct sunlight. 
As with the sun path, the cliff may also affect wind directions and volumes within the site. The prevailing 9am wind would have the largest effect on the site as there is no shelter on that side, however, afternoon breezes may be altered by the cliff. 
Views in an out of the site are a key factor to consider. Views can affect the quality of a space and how people perceive it. Views out are critical to relating the building to its context and optimising the key aspects of the sight. Views in are less critical, however they can affect how people view the building and in turn, how they will interact with it. 
Key views out are towards the city, Kangaroo Point cliffs and New Farm, while views in are from various areas around the site, including on the river, from boats that are passing by, or citycats. 
Access and how people move through the site are key aspects that relate to how the space will be used. Existing paths and access points can affect the location of the building on the site. Ideally, there should be numerous routes to the proposed building and access should be direct and easy. 

This basic site analysis has provided a a base from which to develop further in project 3. Basic elements have been considered and information gathered will be used in the design process of the proposed building. 

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