Thursday 9 May 2013

PROJECT 2- Task 5- Project 3 Ideas


A basic and preliminary investigation of the program requirements of the project 3 building was carried out as the final task. This looked at aspects such as adjacencies, spatial qualities, siting and possible layouts as well as ideas about materials. 

The Interaction Centre is a medium scale public building that consists of 2 main spaces.The first main space is the Workshop space, which will provide teaching workshops on particular activities or skills.
The second space is a gallery space to exhibit objects produced in the workshops.Supporting spaces include a small retail facility of café, bathrooms and storage space.

1) Adjacencies. 

The bubble diagram above indicates relationships between various spaces of the proposed building. The green paths indicate strong relationships while the yellow paths show connections that are not as critical. The key relationship is between the two dominant spaces, the gallery and the workshop. 

2) Spatial Qualities. 

The desired spatial qualities of both main spaces was investigated  It became clear that views in, ventilation and natural light were key qualities required in both spaces. 

3) Siting

These basic siting diagrams indicate the location of the building and its scale in proportion in relation to the site. The building was placed where it is as this space has easy access, views and provides an opportunity to connect the existing buildings. 

4) Initial Layout. 

This initial layout of spaces was developed with an emphasis on the views that can be provided both towards the city and towards New Farm. Views in were considered to be a key factor as they can influence people perceptions of the building. 

5) Material Ideas. 

Possible materials for the workshop and gallery spaces were investigated. 

It was decided that the workshop should utilise older, more traditional materials, such as timber and corrugated iron, in an attempt to honour and reinterpret the existing wharve buildings and their heritage. The gallery space however, would be modern, clean and simple. Transparency and permeability would be key to allow views into the space.

As a whole, the building should bring together modern and traditional materials to create a sort of hybrid structure. Materials should be as contextual and climatically sensitive as possible and the building should posses numerous sub tropical design solutions. 

Examples of how effectively combining old and new materials and create delightful and interesting built forms and spatial qualities. 

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