Monday 3 June 2013

PROJECT 3- Spatial Layout Development


An initial investigation into possible spatial layouts of the building was investigated. 

Given the fact that i i broke my wrist, the quality of the drawings is not the greatest, so please excuse the untidyness. 

The investigation focused on organising the spaces and grouping similar elements such as the services together in an attempt to free up the workshop and gallery spaces of unnecessary clutter and obstructions. The basic form was derived from the massing developments and the arcing building with 3 levels and 2 active rooftops was used as a base template. 

The various sketches developed are shown below. 
 *please note that all the images are upside down, blogger did this and there is no option to rotate them*

basic Block layout
The basic layout was based on a single level and focused on providing views back towards the city and activating the waterfront. 

Initial- Single level Arch layout.

The initial arched layout was also orientated around focusing views back towards the city. 

Detailed Arch Layout
The image above shows the allocation of spaces within the initial layout. The grouping of supporting spaces is noteworthy as is the riverfront public space. 

Exploration of singular spaces
The various spaces were then divided up so that they could be viewed in isolation. This helped me to understand what is needed in the building and refine the adjacencies. 

Initial Multi-Level Layout

This image shows the plan of the multiple levels and how they sit upon one another. 

Multi Level plan 2.
This plan explores the various rooftops and the basic layout of the building. 

Ground Floor Plan

The ground floor plan shows the allocation of spaces and the grouping of services. It also highlights the nature of the built form, and the fact that there are two different structures. The pathway and connection between the parkland and the riverfront public space is evident. 

1st Floor Plan
The first floor plan is made up of the gallery space and the rooftop deck above the public space. This image also shows possible access points to the space. 

3rd Floor Plan
The 3rd floor plan is another public space that consists of a cafe. This space is proposed to have great views and an open air, semi outdoor cafe space. 


This investigation has highlighted the need to resolve the circulation plans within the building and investigate access options to the various levels. The use of stairs could provide an interesting built form and an architectural element. The need for interesting infill solutions that make the most of the built form and the view out of the building is also an important element that needs to be considered. 

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