Saturday 8 June 2013

PROJECT 3-Openings Development


Openings in the building skin were noted as one of the three key material considerations. The nature of the building and the location of openings within the design make it hard to design openings however, they have still be adapted to suit and enhance the quality of the various spaces. 

Development of openings in various parts of the building is shown.

Opening to 1st floor deck from gallery

Sketch of proposed opening

The opening shown above it located on the first floor and connects the gallery and outdoor deck spaces. The opening is located in a floor to ceiling curtain wall and will be made up of folding doors. This will allow the opening to be as large as possible and uninterrupted. The doors will be framed in a large timber box like structure. This timber frame will provide a threshold and help to connect the timber deck and the concrete and glass gallery space.

Cafe openings

Sketches of openings

The openings in and around the cafe space are similar to that on the 1st floor deck. The use of a timber framing device is used again. This time, the timber frame outlines the cafe service counters. This provides a larger surface and an interesting aesthetic against the concrete walls. 

Entry to Void and Workshop

Entry to the void and workshop spaces is shown above. The public corridor that runs under the gallery space provides the main source of access to the void, while a partitioning wall closes of the workshop from the void when required. The opening from the void to the public space is made up of 2 large, operable walls. These will be made from timber and enclosed in a timber frame similar to those shown previously. The doors themselves will be a combination of timber and metal and will provide an indication of what lies inside the workshop space. 

Workshop openings
Openings in the workshop space are made up of a series of timber operable walls. These are timber panels that rotate around a central pivot point. Sliding panels have also been integrated into various parts of the workshop.

Sliding Panels
The sliding panels will retreat into the adjacent walls. This will create a seamless and uninterrupted opening. 

Main entry opening

The final and possible most important opening explored was that of the main entry to the gallery space. The entry threshold is made up of a concrete shell and roof like structure that juts out over the walkway. The ground leading up to the doorway will be sloped to meet the 0.5 metre floor level of the gallery. This along with the concrete frame and roof will create a sense of closing the space. This will amplify the effect of walking into the high and spacious gallery. 

An effect similar to that evoked by this doorway designed by Carlos Scarpa is what is desired. 

The manner in which the large concrete member floats over the opening is amazing. It evokes an uneasy feeling and significantly influences the space. 

The shrinking and reduction of the threshold above is something like what is desired for the opening to the gallery. 

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