Saturday 8 June 2013

PROJECT 3- Material Considerations.


A key element of the project 3 brief was developing 3 specific material considerations within the building. A consideration for the skin, a consideration for openings and a consideration for infill.

Obviously, due to the nature of my design, these 3 categories are not as specific, and they may be different, depending on where they are located within the building, however, both the workshop and gallery spaces will boast a specific material character and this will be evident in the skin, openings and infill.

The material considerations for each of the spaces within the building are explained below. 

Modern- Minimal- Open- Transparent

The gallery skin will be dominated by glass. This will provide the transparency desired and allow light into the space and views out. Concrete structural elements will break up the facades and assist in focusing views out. The northern facade will have a double skin that will be made up of a metal shading device, similar to that on the Hispasat Technology Centre that was explored previously. This shading structure will limit solar radiation into the space and provide an interesting effect to both the facade and the internal spaces. The device will be made from metal, and rather than simple rectangles cut out, artwork, such as the Brisbane cityscape, will be created by perforations. This will help to connect the building to the site and honour its location within the city. 

Shading structure on the Hispasat Technology Centre
Some possible artwork options are shown below. Art such as these images can be abstracted and manipulated as required to fit the facade. 

Brisbane River art

Brisbane Cityscape
Images and art such as the above can be created using perforations or cuts in a sheet metal plate. 

Perforated metal facade

Openings in the gallery space will be limited. The main entry point will form one and the access to the deck space another. Both are perceived as being simple openings in the building skin, rather than elaborate openings. This will respect the built form of the structure and help to keep the space open and the lines clean. 

Infill within the gallery space will be simple and unobtrusive. Simple podium like devices will be employed as platforms for items to be exhibited upon. These are visualised to be of the same material as the floors, ideally polished concrete. This will help to limit the palette within the gallery and keep the space clean and simple. 

Traditional- Open- Raw- Natural

The workshop space is proposed to be the "traditional" and older portion of the interaction centre. It is designed to utilise materials such as timber and corrugated iron in an attempt to connect the building to the existing wharve buildings and pay tribute to their history. The building skin will be the key to doing this. 
The skin will be dominated by timber. A variety of timber members and forms will create a variety and interesting effective on the face of the building. This will also give the building an aged and older feel. Corrugated iron and metal will be integrated into certain aspects of the building such as corners and openings. 

Examples of timber building skins.

Openings in the workshop space will be a key aspect that will affect its functionality. The workshop is intended to have a strong connection to the outdoor public space and also potentially use this space as an additional teaching area. This means the openings need to be large, and unobstructive. "Operable walls" are one solution. These are timber walls that can be opened and closed, in the same way as doors and windows. Effectively, when closed they form a solid, secure facade and when open then form an opening. 


Infill in the workshop area is also key to its effective functioning. The workshop will need to have a number of work desks. These will be orientated to face the teaching area and each one will have a sink and electrical supply. The worktops will be made from a variety of timber, concrete and metal. 
*A rough design to come soon*

Natural- Sub-tropical- Connected

The cafe area will be a vibrant and sub tropical rooftop space. The cafe structure itself will be constructed from materials similar to the rest of the building. A shading device and various garden features will be integrated onto the rooftop to enhance the space and ensure the building looks attractive when viewed from the top of the cliffs. 

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