Saturday 8 June 2013

Green Roofs


As mentioned at the end of the previous post, a rooftop deck that incorporated some sort of vegetation would be desirable. This will help to create a sub tropical space and a vibrant and stimulating environment. 

The rooftop area is also key to shaping perceptions of the building as it would be one of the things people would see when viewing the building from the top of the cliffs. 

Examples of the sort of deck proposed are shown below. 

 A green roof is not what is being proposed, rather planter devices such as those shown above.

 A simple shading device would be desirable. 

Paths and focal points within the space would make it more effective. As would a variety of seating options. 

Utilising level changes can create effective spaces and help to integrate the vegetation into the deck. 

The proposed rooftop will be vibrant and inviting and a landmark within the city. 

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