Saturday 8 June 2013

PROJECT 3- Concept Development


What is my concept? How is it being implemented? What am i striving to achieve in the final design?

It has suddenly struck me that i have not clarified what exactly the concept behind the proposed interaction centre is or how it is shaping the design. 

There are a number of different tings that have influenced the design, however, the key and overriding concept would have to be the use of old and new materials and the contrast created by them. This concept was developed in project 2 and was a result of me visiting the site and noting the materials currently present and the manner in which they have been used. Creating a building which honours these materials and the history of the site, but still provides a modern and eye catching aspect would be an ideal solution. 

Combination and contrast of old and new materials. 

Using materials such as timber and iron will help to connect the building to the site, while modern materials such as concrete and glass will give the building the ability to capture views of the city and the surrounding site, further connecting the building to the Wharves. 

The integration of a riverfront public space and the path through the building to the parkland yet again amplifies the connection to the site. 

To sum it up, the building will itilise a variety of materials to create an interesting contrast and connect the building to the site. The integration of public spaces and the emphasis placed on views out of the building will further enhance this and the addition of sub tropical shading devices will help the building to be both sustainable and contextually sensitive. 


    • A connection to the site
    • Views out of the site
    • Contextual and climatically sensitive design 

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