Friday 21 June 2013

PROJECT 3- Reflection



Overall, I think project 3 went quite well. I found the brief and material them interesting and engaging. I would have loved to have had a more hands on approach to the project and made use of physical models. however, circumstances prevented this, and I think the use of digital models was successful to a degree. 

I was pushed out of my comfort zone and forced to experiment with computer programs I don't usually rely on, and I think this was a good learning experience for me. The final design captures the desired material applications and successfully integrates into its surroundings. The building enhances the parkland space and provides the site with an eye catching landmark. 

I would have loved to give a proper presentation of the design as i feel a lot of the finer details were glossed over in the power point and it was simply impossible to fit everything in, without writing an essay on each slide. However, i do feel that the power point and poster capture key points and the overall concept of the design effectively. 

The design itself was developed in a way that i am not accustomed to, but I found its development to be quite interesting, but challenging at the same time. My inability to sketch out ideas made it hard for me to develop the design and i was forced to use other means to keep my thought process going. The use of foam massing models to develop the built form is an example of this. 

I feel like under different circumstances, the final outcome would probably have been radically different, but i still think this design is effective and meets the goals that i set out to achieve. 


I think this semester has gone fairly well. 

It has had its ups and downs but the outcomes of all 3 projects has been relatively good. I have found each project interesting and engaging and i feel like my skills as a developing architect have definitely been enhanced. 

The interaction node made me think about how a simple architectural insertion can change a space and affect the users. This influenced my final design as i was always thinking about the effect the building would have on its surroundings and how it could enhance the parkland. This led to the development of the various public spaces around the building. 

The material exploration in project 2 was interesting and i particularly enjoyed the physical model making. The opportunity to reevaluate the node also made me realise the importance of materials within a design and how they can be functional rather than aesthetic, or a combination of both. 

Project 3 was challenging but again engaging and enjoyable. The simple and unrestricting program made it possible to develop various public spaces around the building and enhance its integration into the site. The final design was influenced by both project 1 and 2 and was effective in achieving the desired goals. 

The blog was another aspect of the semester which i found useful and quite enjoyabel, (as you can probably tell). It allowed me to share interesting uses of materials and provided somewhere that all my thought processes could be recorded. This also provided me with somewhere that all my previous thoughts and ideas were stored and could be easily accessed. 

OVERALL, i think the semester went fairly well and given the circumstances the final project was successful. 

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