Monday 11 March 2013

DAB510-1-USERS- Who are they and What will they need?

Who are the Users and What do they Need?


Owners of the node:
Cooking instructors and cooks-
Various cooks and instructors will own the node for a short period of time, it may vary daily, or on a weekly basis. Each one will provide a different cultural influence. 
- They will need cookers, work space, fridges, running water and electricity or gas. 
- Cooking utensils and ingredients. 
- They will use the node as a base from which to educate people on various cuisines and cultures. 
- They will also use the node as a food stall and sell food items when no classes are taking place. 

Visitors of the node:

This can be anyone who chooses to partake in a cooking class. 
- They will need seating, individual workstations or shared workstations. 
- Cooking utensils and ingredients. 
- They will use the node as an education tool learn about various exotic tastes and cuisines. 
- They will travel to the site, partake in the class and more than likely leave soon after. 

Visitors of the node:

Customers who are simply purchasing food- 
This could be anyone, although it will likely be people who work in the city or live in close proximity to the site. 
- Customers will need seating, shelter from elements and a reason to travel to the site. 
- They will more than likely travel to the node, purchase their food and linger for a while, as they consume it. 


Owners of the node:

Personal trainers-
Personal trainers wanting to use the space can hire it out on an hourly basis via the city council website. 
- They will require running water, a sheltered space and adequate structure and exercise devices to run an effective session. 
- Change rooms, or similar spaces may be desirable. 
- They will use the space for the time that they have booked it, and may make use of the surrounding parkland as well, both before, and after their sessions. 

Visitors of the node:

These are people who have signed up for a personal training session.
- They will be under the instruction of the trainer and using the node in the manner that he directs them to. 
- They may require a supply of water, some shelter and possibly a changing room. 

Visitors of the node:

Passers by-
This applies to the general public, who are free to use the node at any time, as long as it is not previously hired out by a trainer. 
- They are free to occupy the space for as long as they like.
- They can use the node in whatever way they like.
- They may require a source of water and a changing room.
- These are predominantly predicted to be people who exercise along the riverside boardwalk or people occupying the parkland.  

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