Friday 29 March 2013

DAB510-1- REFLECTION- The Poster.

Reflection on the Final Poster. 

All in all, i think the poster was fairly successful in terms of conveying the key aspects of the design proposal  however, due to the constraints of the task, i feel this could have been done more effectively. 

Restricting the poster to a single A1 page, meant that there was not quite enough space on the poster to effectively represent everything that i would have liked to. The landscape orientation also made this hard to do, limited the potential layout possibilities. However, i believe that i overcame these setbacks effectively and produced an effective poster. Anything that i could not fit onto the poster, i have hopefully remembered to talk about on the blog, so hopefully nothing will go unnoticed or without explanation. 

The presentation of the poster went quite well, and the informal manner in which it was conducted certainly made this task easier. I did find it a bit hard though, to effectively describe the various concepts and key aspects of the design, when not everyone who was listening could see what i was talking about as the posters were not pinned up. 

However, as a whole, i think that i completed the task effectively and efficiently and hopefully, i have satisfied all of the criteria. 

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