Sunday 24 March 2013

DAB510-1- DESIGN- Developing the Idea.

Further Design Development.

Following on from previous posts on the progression of the design, I took the opportunity to model a rough proposal on Autodesk Inventor. I chose to use this program, even though it is not strictly architectural, as it is more adapt to creating industrial type products and that is more similar to what was required for this design. The initial virtual model, although fairly rough and unrefined, provided a great base for the design to progress from. It also provided me with scaled drawings of the node, from which to work off and adapt the design.

A series of design progression drawings are shown below. 

Shown above are images of the virtual model that was created. These images were used to inform further design progressions. 

Above is a developing floor plan that was developed off the virtual model. The model provided a space that was to scale and this allowed mechanical equipment and counter tops to be fitted into the space. 

An elevation of the design allowed the framing device to be adjusted and reworked, until an adequate solution was found. (Apologies for the image being on its side, Blogger won't let me rotate it and automatically puts it that way). From this image, and the virtual model it became evident that the initial frame structure was too high and create a space that was out of proportion with itself. The developed frame design also provided a better representation of the Story Bridge and this was evident by the fact that a peer immediately recognised the connection when viewing the drawing. 

The above sketch is another progression of the frame structure, which addresses the ineffective height of the original design. The sketch shows a reworked join between the frame and the roof panels as as a result, the roof appears to be more connected to the structure and not as isolated as before. 

A section through the space gives an indication of the scale and how it may be used. This section highlighted the need for the viewing blocks to be effectively designed as well as the huge potential that there is to utilise the parkland space as additional space from which the instructor can be viewed. 

One final change that was made to the design was to relocate it to the far western corner of the site. This was done after considering the city council proposal for the parkland space and evaluating where the node would best integrate into the parkland and best enhance the space. This area, was developed into an artificial slope, and would allow the node to use the sloped space as additional viewing space. It is also very close to the proposed access area to the site which would make it easy to visit for people using the new elevator of stairs that are proposed. Placing the node in this area, will also provide visitors accessing the site from the existing access point, with a focal point at the far end of the parkland and provide them with a reason to make use of all of the space and not remain down at the Eastern end. 

With all of the new design developments, a design for the node was finalised and the details of this are shown in a later post. 

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