Friday 29 March 2013

DAB510-1- REFLECTION- The Design.

Reflection on the Design.

Overall, i think the project went fairly well. The only major sticking point was deciding on an activity, but once i did this, the rest of the project followed on fairly smoothly. The lecture content was very helpful, as were conversations with our tutors. 

I think the final design of the node, is very effective in terms of delivering the necessary equipment and spaces for the cooking school, as well as, in terms of the prefabrication aspect. The decision to use recycled materials and to reuse a shipping container as the base for the node, will make it not only cost effective, but easy to construct and transport. The nature of these materials also helps to tie the design back to the initial idea of a ramshackle, food cart like structure, while the steel frame, helps to successfully connect the structure to the site. The integration of solar panels into the design, helps to make the node more sustainable, and almost self sufficient. 

All in all, i think the final design satisfied all of the criteria and will help to generate an interest in the site and a greater sense of community engagement within Brisbane. 

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