Thursday 11 April 2013

PROJECT 2- Task 1- Exploration Models.


The first task set to us was to create two models of our interaction nodes from the previous project, that represented two different and contrasting materials. 

The nature of my interaction node made this task slightly challenging and highlighted the fact that the current form may not be suited to this type of development and exploration. The original node is not one single structure, and consisted of various parts made from different materials. This made it difficult to represent the structure as one single material and as a singular form. The Model produced were effective in their own way, but various parts were still somewhat detached from one another. 

I chose to create one model out of timber, in an attempt to unify the various elements of the node. This was successful to a degree, but as i mentioned before, it was made difficult by the fact that the node is not one complete form. The timber model displayed some interesting aesthetics within the node, in particularly the relationship between various tones of the same colour. Images of the model produced are shown below.

The model highlighted the variety of shadows that the roof structure could produce, something that i found interesting. 

For the second model i chose to try and represent something more transparent and not as solid as the original node and the timber model. Although this model does not represent a particular material, the characteristics of the structure created is what i was more interested in. The wire frame and translucent material created a light and less imposing structure. 

The model could be perceived as a steel frame with various plates of translucent material covering portions of it. Images of the second model are shown below. 

As previously mentioned the translucency and transparency of the materials was what was being explored and as shown in the images, the materials conveyed this effectively. The transfer of light through the structure was found to be very effective. 

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